ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (NABL) Certification for Toys and Similar products
Toys and similar Products
Toys have been known as main tool of entertainment for children.Toys comes in wide range of categories such as dolls,vehicles,plush toys, electric toys etc.Kids love toys but the biggest challenge for toy industry is to seek attention of children as well as parents.There is lot of competitiveness in the industry.The main reason of this is change in many factors like innovation and technology,politics and environment.The market needs and wants have also changed.This is because children are more demanding as they have more options and choices.Families are getting smaller and well to do.They are more willing to spend on children needs.
Now a days parents are looking for toys which are eco friendly and non hazardous.The safety of children should be highest priority for parents.They always want toys made of non toxic substances.Toys are made of wood,plastic, clay, paper etc.The majority of toys are produced from plastic such as polyolefins,styrene derived polymers and plasticized PVC.Plastic is a material which can be easily cleaned,indestructible and can last for many years.All are unbelievably useful and versatile and very attractive for toys.But plastic is not a natural product and there is possibility that some toxins might be present in plastic toys.
Nowadays,commercial toys must pass safety tests in order to be sold in the market.These safety tests are important to prevent harm to children. Several countries have banned plastic to be used in toys.As the toys and similar products are made for children it is important to ensure that the materials used to make them has good quality or it can harm the children to a great extent.Toys should be made from non toxic and organic materials.
Toys should have a label that guarantees that it is free from any toxic substance.Toys must meet with the safety requirements. As many people are concern with child is toy safety where the government also emphasis on it and made certain policies for safety requirements in toys.Different toys are meant for different age groups and some toys are hazardous and not suitable for too young children.Therefore manufacturers need to ensure regular testing of toys.New laws for toy safety and toy production will force to toy manufacturers to make eco friendly toys which is not hazardous.It is essential for manufacturer to ensure that the toys comply with national safety standards before placing it in the market.Toys should be test against wide variety of standards including mechanical and physical properties,flammability,hazardous chemicals etc.
In order to provide eco friendly and non hazardous toys for a longer time,it is essential that the quality of toys is tested thoroughly and hence the manufacturers needs to test the quality of toys using proper procedures.The testing of toys must be conducted in a lab that is equipped with all the procedures and equipment that is required for accurate testing of toys and similar products. In that case the labs must be certified for ISO 17025:2017 and accredited from NABL so that it is ensured that all the procedures are followed and accurate testing data is obtained for best quality assurance of toys.
In case, you have Toys and Similar products equipment testing lab then you must get it certified for ISO 17025 – NABL, PrimeCertification can help you with all the formalities involved with the ISO 17025 NABL certification for Toys and Similar products equipment testing lab process. We have a vast team of highly experienced professionals who have been helping our clients in getting an easy ISO 17025 NABL certification for Toys and Similar products equipment testing lab by handling all the audits, inspections, and paper works.