Biopesticides and Biofertilizers
Biopesticides and Bio fertilizers are the organic manures and fertilizers that are used for farming to make the crops free from any chemicals and entirely organic. Due to the increasing interest of people more towards organic food and organic farming, there has been an increase in the production of organic fertilizers. The Biopesticides and bio fertilizers are the naturally occurring biochemical substances that are used for sustainable agriculture. These substances are healthier than conventional chemical manure and pesticides. The governments over the are now emphasizing on the use of natural manures as it can be very helpful in reversing the damages that have been done the chemical pesticides and manures till now.
With the increased use of chemical substances in agriculture, the crops have become very harmful for the health of the consumers as they contain trace amounts of various chemicals from the fertilizers and some of them are carcinogenic. That is why scientists all over the world are now engaged in research of bio fertilizers that can be equally effective in increasing the yield of the crops without incorporating any of the hazardous chemicals into our food.
The Bio-fertilizers contain different microorganisms that help increase the nutrient value of the soil without the use of any trace chemical substances. Bacteria such as Rhizobium are known for their property of fixing the nitrogen value in the soil which is very good for better growth of the crops. Other such microorganisms include Frankia and cyanobacteria.
Fungi, ectomycorrhiza are other two bio components that play an important role in impacting the crop yield positively by enhancing the quality of the soil.
Biopesticides are similar to bio-fertilizers as they also use naturally occurring biochemical substances to prevent any damage to the plants by pests and weeds. Presently, the biopesticides can only be used for prevention but cannot be used as a curative measure for the crops.
Now when the laboratories are extensively involved in the synthesis of more effective biopesticides and biofertilizers, it is mandatory for the laboratories that they become certified by NABL for them. The NABL has strict norms to follow when it comes to research on the Biopesticides and Biofertilizers. The laboratories need to apply for the certification from NABL as it ensures the best level of safety and quality for the fertilizers and pesticides.
When a laboratory is accredited by NABL for Biopesticides and fertilizers, it helps in increasing the value of that laboratory by enhancing the confidence in the quality of the research process. The NABL accreditation process is a rigorous one which ensures that no checkpoints are left during the certification assessments and hence ensure the highest standards of quality are being followed in the lab.
In case, you have Biopesticides and Biofertilizers equipment testing lab then you must get it certified for ISO 17025: 2017 – NABL, PrimeCertification can help you with all the formalities involved with the ISO 17025: 2017 NABL certification for Biopesticides and Biofertilizers equipment testing lab process. We have a vast team of highly experienced professionals who have been helping our clients in getting an easy ISO 17025: 2017 NABL certification for Biopesticides and Biofertilizers equipment testing lab by handling all the audits, inspections, and paper works.